Political Notebook: Lesbians seek Bay Area county school superintendent posts

Since winning election in 2018 as San Mateo County superintendent of schools, Nancy Magee has yet to meet a counterpart in another county who is also LGBTQ. Magee, the second consecutive lesbian to serve in the countywide elected position, is the only superintendent of schools listed on a map of out elected leaders in California maintained by the LGBTQ Victory Fund.

That could change this year. Amie Carter, Ph.D., a gay married mother, is running for the open Sonoma County superintendent of schools this year. The first openly gay candidate to run for the education post, she would be the first woman to hold the position in Sonoma in almost 100 years if elected.

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Kathleen Rhodes

Kathleen Rhodes, Founder of What's Up Santa Rosa

Kathleen Rhodes is the founder and CEO of Appy Marketing, a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping small businesses and startups grow their online presence. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Kathleen has a proven track record of delivering successful marketing campaigns that drive results. Her passion for technology and innovation has led her to develop cutting-edge strategies that leverage the latest digital tools and platforms. Kathleen is known for her strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and unwavering commitment to her clients’ success. Under her leadership, Appy Marketing has become a trusted partner for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age.

What's Up Santa Rosa


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