
18August 2020

Santa Rosa to survey residents on spending $95 million PG&E settlement

Santa Rosa city officials are working out a plan to ask fire victims and members...

17August 2020

Sonoma County barbers and salons now offering outdoor haircuts to stay open

Waiting for her hair appointment on a recent warm afternoon in Sebastopol, Yael Raff Peskin...

17August 2020

Sonoma County looks to expand use of weather radios for emergency alerts

Looking to boost their ability to notify residents when dangerous wildfires erupt, Santa Rosa and...

14August 2020

Local hikes worth the drive

South entrance: 3820 Petaluma Hill Road, Santa Rosa North entrance: 2080 Kawana Terrace, Santa Rosa...

14August 2020

Sonoma County Fair fine tunes drive-thru event after deluge of customers

Sonoma County Fair officials are fine tuning their fair food drive-thru event this weekend after...

13August 2020

Corn dogs and kettle korn: Sonoma County’s ‘Fair Food Frenzy’

The carnival games are closed, there’s no livestock or flower show, and the Tilt-a-Whirl is...

13August 2020

Santa Rosa adds fines for COVID-19 with exemption for landlords

Santa Rosa has joined Sonoma County in imposing fines of up to $10,000 for coronavirus scofflaws, though...

12August 2020

Student artists reach out from isolation through Artstart virtual gallery

Adults of all ages may recall warm memories of their high school years, but for...

12August 2020

Little League baseball in Santa Rosa helps ease pandemic isolation

The smack of a baseball landing in a worn leather glove. The ping from a...

11August 2020

North Bay property owners, managers fear impact of eviction bans

State and local governments that continue to allow renters in this pandemic era to delay...

11August 2020

Santa Rosa focuses on fire threat from homeless camps

The afternoon fire in a grassy field along Stony Point Road in the July heat...

10August 2020

Sonoma County Opens Tip Line for COVID-19 Safety Rule Violations, Receives Hundreds of Tips

Sonoma County is stepping up its efforts to get people and businesses to comply with...

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