Thank you to many in the community who responded to the first volunteer recruitment in September to help with the partial re-opening of the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. The Reserve is slowly recovering from the September 2019 Tenaja Fire and is now making plans for a partial-reopening of certain areas within the Reserve.
More volunteers are still needed. Adults age 18-64 are invited to request a volunteer application. All volunteers are required to complete a Riverside County Park volunteer application, a background check and be fingerprinted. Trailhead (greeter) Trail Protection (trail access) and Gatekeeper (closed gate) assignments will be at the Hidden Valley and Vernal Pool Trailheads on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Volunteers may be completing a 2.5 mile r/t hike to certain assignment posts. The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve is located in the rural area west of Murrieta.
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