November in Santa Rosa: Nonprofits, downtown events, and a Thanksgiving recipe to remember

10 November 2023

Nonprofits step up where others aren’t able

One of the things I never, in a million years, thought I would do is work at a nonprofit. But over a year later, it’s one of the most fulfilling career moves I’ve ever made. I’ve met some of the most selfless, caring, and helpful individuals I’ve known. When I discovered that my assignment for the month was to feature a nonprofit, I was ready! I also never realized how many nonprofits there are in Sonoma County, so I had my work cut out for me! One that I found (that I am in no way affiliated with) right near downtown is Common Ground Society. Here are the details on this absolutely essential nonprofit that helps families supporting children with special needs and helps them be a part of our strong downtown community.

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