The fireworks detonated around 3 a.m. Tuesday, triggering a brief spell of bedlam in the Santa Rosa home of Lisa Ostello. Her dog, a 7-year-old pit bull mix named Sadie, panicked and tried to get out of the house. Partially blind, Sadie ran into a wall.
“It was awful,” said Ostello, who has twice called police to report what’s become an almost nightly rendition, the boom and barrage of illegal fireworks in the city. Those explosions terrify her dog and are rampant, she said, in her neighborhood, just east of Roseland. “You never know when they’re going to go off. It doesn’t just happen at night.”
Her primary concern is for Sadie, who also suffers from a brain tumor, and for other dogs frightened by these fireworks, which are illegal in all but three Sonoma County cities: Cloverdale, Rohnert Park and Sebastopol. Complaints also have come from those suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome, who can be triggered by sudden, sharp noises that sound like gunfire.
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