Someone Started a Brush Fire in Santa Rosa. A Group of Good People Stopped It From Getting Worse.

14 September 2021

Over a million acres have already burned in Northern California this wildfire season β€” a figure that meant nothing to one Bay Area arsonist on Saturday. Thankfully, several good samaritans stopped that figure from growing any more than it needed to.

Yesterday, an individual at the Bay Village Shopping Center at 3080 Marlow Road in Santa Rosa noticed someone setting fire to a dry patch of grass off the side of the road. Knowing something was off, the person decided to call the police and stick around until authorities could come and apprehend the suspect β€” who, apparently, was at one point fanning the flames to make things burn faster. Fast forward a bit later… and that one person was joined by more do-gooders, each of them present to hold the lawbreaker accountable for their environmentally unsound crime.

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