Sonoma Developmental Center: What one hears and reads
Community sentiments are clear. The holidays are over, the articles have been written, open discussions have been aired. The time approaches where Sonoma County must recommend a revised plan to the State of California about the SDC’s future or settle for one of three unpopular and under-imagined plans.
Time is an issue!
The importance of the SDC’s future to the Sonoma Valley should require more time for the Board of Supervisors to make a proposal to the State reflective of Valley citizenry. This puts the monkey on the backs of Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Senator Mike Maguire. They have to know the immense citizen (voter) concern regarding this issue. More time is needed. Let these representatives know they need to contact all parties starting with the governor about the need to extend the decision making time and involve state representatives in the process. There is a need to move forward in a unified manner.
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